American Girl Doll Central

It's Christmas at AGDC!

Merry Christmas AGDC Dolls! December 25, 2010

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I hope you guys had a WONDERFUL day and that you got everything you wanted. Let us be reminded that today is NOT about Santa, presents, treats, etc. It’s about our Savior Christ Jesus being born in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago. He is the TRUE reason for the season and why Christmas is what it is. Unfortunately people nowadays try to block that from us, saying how Christmas is about gifts or winter or whatever. CHRISTmas is about CHRIST, and we can’t forget that this holiday season. I pray that all of you and your families have a wonderful Christmas and Christmas break! (and to you guys up north, don’t take advantage of the snow! We don’t have any 😉 )

It was early December 25—Christmas morning. It was the day people had been talking about for months. The dolls were still asleep, dreaming about what the morning would bring.

“IIIIIITTTTTTSSSSS CCCCCHHHHHHRRRRRIIIIISSSSSTTTTMMMMMAAAAASSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” shouted Samantha on the top of her lungs.


The girls got up and began jumping on their sisters to wake them up.

“What’s all this about?” asked an annoyed Kathleen.

“ITS CHRISTMAS!” shouted Kit in reply.

Poor Eva and Addy were getting stomped on by Samantha.

The rambunctious two soon awoke the whole gang. The girls had decided to sleep in their Christmas dresses, because for one, Madeline was too lazy to change them, and second, because they had been so tired after their Christmas Eve service and gift exchange that they just hit the sack. 

“Oh my goodness, sisters,” said Elsie. “It is again the day of our Saviors birth! Now let us go and see what treats Saint Nicholas brought!”

“Oh Elsie, you’re so old fashioned.” Samantha sighed. “PRESENTS FROM SANTA EVERYONE! LET’S GO!!!!!”

The girls walked quietly into their living room, filled with beautiful gifts. 

Delete caption“Santa” had eaten the cookies and milk and left a special note to the girls. 

Molly picked up the note to read it.

“Dear girls, Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! You all were very good girls. Thanks for the cookies and the reindeer food. Comet couldn’t get enough!
*Samantha – watch that mouth of yours. I don’t want you on my naughty list.

Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus

Next the dolls darted to presents. Unfortunately Madeline did not have time to wrap them like normally but the dolls were excited anyway. Kit and Sammi got into all the candy.

Felicity and Eva loved the clothes Santa brought them.

Felicity loved the crimson red color of Kit’s Christmas Dress and Eva loved the Cheerleading outfit and Diva nail stickers!

Julie loved the Rebecca Play Scenes and Paper Dolls and the Princess and the Frog movie she got.

Kathleen and Lulu were the first the open the stocking. They also loved the Rhema Marvanne CDs. She is the dolls’ favorite singer!

Josefina loved the Shirley Temple movie collection she got, with 14 features!

*Note the Shirley Temple autobiography in the background- I got that too (you can probably tell I love Shirley Temple). I am on chapter 3 and it is great so far! I’s a huge book though!

You can just guess the two girls who were ecstatic about the old-timey sewing machine.

It was a great morning in itself.

Just as Josefina was opening her dvd to see what disks were inside, a small piece of paper dropped out. It read:

“There’s one more gift yet to meet – Follow these clues, this fantastic gift can’t be beat!
Clue 1:
When I first got here, I had a look. Then a bubble bath I took!”

To read the rest of the story, click HERE. If it doesn’t load on your computer, let me know. 🙂



Doll Halloween Costumes! October 10, 2010

Filed under: All Dolls,Doll Fun,It's Fall! — Madeline@AGDC @ 5:04 PM

Hi! Today my dolls chose their halloween costumes!

Kit chose a silly ghost as her costume. To make this outfit:
1. Lay a white sheet of fabric/cloth over your dolls head equally.
2. Using a fabric pen, trace eye holes based on where your dolls eyes are.
3. Remove the sheet and cut out the holes.
4. Cut out a “smile” from black felt and hot-glue on.
OPTIONAL: Cut arm holes. Use a fabric pen to draw squiggly eyebrows.
5. Lay back over your dolls head and ta-da!

Eva Grace chose a Asian Geisha. It is made from Ivy’s New Year Dress, and I added a small fan in Eva’s hair, then putting it in a bun with chopsticks.
Julie chose a Pioneer. I made this costume-it is a McCall’s pattern. 🙂

Addy chose a Phoebe Fraunces costume, which is made from Felicity’s meet dress. Phoebe Fraunces was a freed African-American girl during the Revolutionary War era (we read about her in school).
Molly chose a Hip Ghostly Girl costume. We found this top in the dollar section at Target-they have tons of doll-sized seasonal T-shirts  throughout the year! The pants are from build-a-bear.
Josefina is a pet trainer. Her clothes come from different Our Generation outfits.

Samantha is quite the class clown- HER outfit is a “Hawaiian Seaweed Monster Princess”. Heehee! Her costume is made from Chrissa’s Swimsuit and yellow flower accessories from Molly’s Hula Dancer Costume (the green lei is from party city) and a grass skirt. How to make the grass skirt:
1. Take a green sheet of construction paper and cut lines from the bottom to the top (leave an un-cut space at the top).
2. Shape it around your doll’s waist. If the skirt is to big, trim the sides. If it is too long, trim the bottom.
3. Secure with a safety pin or scotch tape.

Lulu is a Candy Corn Cutie. Her top is part of her meet outfit with a candy corn sticker on her right chest. The skirt is made from a white piece of fabric being wrapped around her waist and secured with a safety pin in the back. The socks are from the dollar section at Target.
Felicity is a Ranch Gal. Her outfit is a Cowgirl Outfit from Our Generation.

I hope you enjoyed looking at the costumes and learning how to make them! To read the mini-story that goes along with it, please visit HERE.

Have a great day! God bless you!


Happy Easter, AGDC Dolls! April 4, 2010

Filed under: All Dolls,Doll Fun,Holiday,Maria Kit,Mia,Spring has Sprung! — Madeline@AGDC @ 8:47 PM

It was an early Sunday morning in April—Easter Sunday, to be exact—and Elsie and Kathleen were dressed and all ready for the celebration. “Good morning, my sisters!” Elsie’s sweet voice rang out in a song. “It is Easter, and we must arise early!” Felicity rolled over in bed on the other side of the room. “Whhhyyyy???” she asked sleepily. “Because!” said Elsie. “The Lord has risen!” Felicity yawned, got up, woke her sisters up, and told them, “The Looord (yaawn) has risen (yawn)…” One by one the girls popped out of their beds and dressed in their Easter dresses.

The first girls to get dressed were Addy (FAQ: Q: Did it take a while to do Addy’s hair? A: Yes, Yes it did.), Samantha, and Josefina. Addy was wearing her Christmas Dress, but today she would pretend it was a springtime dress. Josefina was wearing a spring flowers outfit and Samantha’s dress was sewn by Madeline.

Kit leading the way, the girls trudged down the hall excitedly, anxious to see what the Easter Bunny had left them.

Kit was the first to notice two colorful Easter baskets just the size for an American Girl doll parked on the table. “Look at this!” she cried. “Look what Mr.Easter Bunny left for us!” *Madeline winking to herself in the background*. “Oh my goodness!” shouted Kit. There’s candy and stickers in here!”

“And, oh, there’s one of…of…. of ME!” Kit sighed dramatically. She was almost jumping up and down at the fact she was a sticker. “I have got to show Maria Kit this at our next playdate! She’ll FLIP to see ourselves as a sticker!” Kit hugged the sticker pack close. But she wasn’t the only one surprised.

Not only Kit, but Josefina, Felicity, and Addy also had stickers of themselves!!! Wow!!! It was incredible! All the dolls wanted a chance to see their sister as a sticker.

“Yall look!” cried Addy in her sweet southern accent. “There are not only stickeroos of us, but there is an envelopes and stationary kit, and also word stickers!” The dolls were fascinated as they munched down on mini chocolate rabbits.

This is what Madeline came out to. A bucket of chocolate eggs and candy, a movie called “A Little Princess“, a book called “Amelia’s Middle School Survival Guide”, and a summer-time dress and  knee socks.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It was Maria Kit and Mia! Maria Kit and Kit were best friends, and Madeline’s family knew Maria Kit and Mia’s owner’s family very well, so the dolls got to come over a lot. But it was still a  great surprise! “What are you doing here?” Kit laughed, hugging her friends. “We couldn’t miss Easter!” said Mia. “Well, come in,” said Kit. “Your just in time. We are just about to read  ” The First Easter”.

The girls gathered around. “Ok,” began Elsie. “I am going to read you the story of the first Easter. Is everyone ready?” Everybody nodded. “yes.”

“Once upon a time, over 2000 years ago, a baby named Jesus was born in a stable. Do you remember me telling you that story? Jesus was born in Bethlehem. His parents, Mary and Joseph, were visiting there because of the census, which was when Caesar Augustus wanted record of everybody and wanted them to be taxed. Mary was pregnat with the holy baby, which an angel told her to name Jesus. When they got to Bethlehem, there was no room in any of the inns. One man who owned a inn felt sorry for the ill and pregnat women and her husband and told them the only place they could stay was a smelly stable. Imagine…..the holy King of Kings who would die for us and rise again, the Prince of Peace, was born in a smelly, old, nasty stable with His only company some donkeys, sheeps, and shepherds.”

“Jesus grew up like a regular boy and man and did many miracles. He was the only perfect one, and He never did anything wrong. Not even the teeniest little white lie or bad thought. He was perfect. Many people wanted to see Him and touch Him.”

“One day, he rode into town on a donkey on what we now call “Palm Sunday.” The reason it was called that is because the people took palm branches and waved them at Jesus. They called, “Hosannah! Hosannah is the King of Isreal!” Some men ripped the clothes off their backs and made a walkway for Jesus. But Jesus was sad because he knew that by the end of the week these same people would be calling out something very, very, different.”

“One of Jesus’s disciples, Judas, betrayed Him and helped the Roman soldiers arrest Him if they gave him money. So the soldiers gave Judas the money and he told them where Jesus was. Jesus knew that they would kill Him. But it was the plan to save the bad, sinful world, so Jesus knew He had to do it. They beat Jesus and put thorns on His head. You may think, “Oh, he must have done something really terrible!” But Jesus did nothing. Nothing at all. Pilot didn’t think he did anything wrong either, but the people insisted so. So Pilot ordered the soldiers to beat Jesus more so the people would be happy. After, Pilot took Jesus and a cold-hearted, mean, scoundrel criminal who killed people and murdered and stole. That man’s name was Barabas. Pilot told the people he would kill one of them. The mean criminal and muderer, or Jesus. The people said Barabas shoudl be let free, and they yelled “Crucify Him!” at Jesus. The people yelling “Crucify Him!” were the same people who earlier in the week were calling out “Hosannah!” So why were they now calling “Crucify Him?” Maybe they didn’t want to be different. They didn’t want to be made fun of. “If I stand up for Jesus,” they thought, “Will I be crucified?” So they went with the crowd and thought of themselves. So Pilot, even though he didn’t think anything was wrong with Jesus, he decided to go with what the crowd thought, too, and he ordered Jesus to be killed. Jesus died on the cross on what we now know as Good Friday. It was sad and horrific, but Jesus was saving the world and relieving them of their sins. Jesus was perfect. We are all sinners. Jesus, a perfect one, had to take all the sins of the world on Him and suffer so we wouldn’t have to. When we sin today, all we have to do is ask God to forgive us, and He will.”

“But Jesus didn’t stay dead. Three days later, on the very first Easter, He came back to lie. Jesus is still alive and is all around us. We celebrate Easter because Jesus has saved us and then He did not stay dead, but He rose again. We can thank the Lord for saving us, and we can ask Him to come into our hearts.  He will always be there for us, even if we can’t see Him. That’s what faith is.”

“That’s the end of the story!” Elsie said, shutting the book. The girls clapped and cheers. Elsie held up her hand. “Let us pray. Dear  Jesus, thank you for this day. Thank you for dieing on the cross for our sins and suffering so we didn’t have to. But you did not stay dead, for three days later you rose again. We thank you that we can put our trust in you and can say we are Christians. Please forgive us for everything that displeases you. Help us to live a life of faith, and help us to be more like you. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.”
The girls clapped. “Time for the egg hunt at Julia and Hannah’s house!” shouted Samantha! “Yay!” the AGDC dolls cheered. Felicity clapped. “Come on! Last one there is a rotten Easter Egg!”

THE END! 🙂 🙂 🙂



Happy Easter!

Filed under: All Dolls,Holiday,Spring has Sprung! — Madeline@AGDC @ 8:25 AM

Happy Easter everyone! My dolls are ready to celebrate. They even have two special visitors-who are they?-It’s a surprise! I’m going to try to have my easter stuff up (the easter photo story or whatever) up by the end of they day or at least tomorrow. I’m not kidding, because this year I have something special planned for you guys to see and it would be crisis to forget about it. But anyway, Easter is a special time in the spring where we celebrate Jesus dying on the cross and rising again. Isn’t it cool to know? You can read the story of the first easter in the Bible, and I hope you will all take the time to do that. Maybe I can post it here. So what are you doing for Easter? What are your traditions?  This morning, we got up and woke my mom and dad. And yes-they told us to go back to bed for 15 more minutes, LOL! But eventually, we got to go out. Something the “easter bunny”  does at our house is leave M&M’s all over. For example, on the table there might be a smiley face made out of M&M’s. Like M&M pictures, all over the place. It’s awesome! Then, we look at our baskets. I got a book called “Amelia’s Middle School Survival Guide” by Marissa Moss, A movie called “The Little Princess” which was based on a book about a little girl who was once a rich girl in India until her father sent her to America to be in an orphanage and stuff, a chocolate bunny, a stuffed animal duck, and LOTS of little egg candies! Then, my mom read the Easter Story from the Bible. Now we are getting ready for church! I am wearing my new easter dress! LOL!

What are you doing for easter? Are you doing an Easter egg hunt or dying eggs? That’s always fun! Or are you traveling? That’s fun, too! Well, I hope you ALL have a WONDERFUL and BLESSED Easter and I thank all of you or I wouldn’t have this blog! Thank You! Bye!

Happy Easter!
From, Madeline and the girls! ❤


Which Doll should tag along with me and come to the Mint Museum? April 3, 2010

Filed under: All Dolls,Doll Fun,Poll,Spring has Sprung! — Madeline@AGDC @ 10:00 AM

This is a half photostory/poll. First, read the story, than vote who you think should come with me to the Mint Museum of Art!

It was the pretty Saturday morning in April, and the dolls were doing there own things around the house.

Some of the girls were reading. Josefina was reading the newest American Girl Magazine. Molly was reading “Meet Rebecca”. And Elsie was reading her favorite verses in the Best Book of All, the Bible.

Kit was reading too. “What REALLY Happened to Humpty Dumpty?” was her favorite book. Since Kit, being only in first grade, wasn’t the BEST reader yet, she mainly looked at the pictures and guessed what the characters were saying.

Kathleen was doing the laundry. Addy was helping her.

Felicity, Samantha, and Eva Grace were watching morning cartoons, and Lulu was dressing the mini dolls.

Suddenly Kit stood up and walked over to Lulu. “Can we go to the park today?” she pleaded. “You can practice your soccer and everything and I will be a good girl and I won’t knock that girl off the monkey bars again!”
“Last time you were a nuisance, Kit. Says the other childrens’ moms to eachother.”
“What did I do so bad?”
“Well, you sat on top of the monkey bars and crushed that girl’s fingers, causing her to fall off.”
“On accident!”
“You kicked up all the dust into a dog’s face.”
“I was TRYING to kick a soccer ball. But a weird boy took it away before I could finish kicking.
“Then you climbed UP the slide and roared at the little kids who were trying the slide DOWN.”
“I was being a lion! A friendly lion! I wanted them to pet me!”
Lulu laughed. “Ok, I’ll take you to the park if you PROMISE to act like a normal kid. Get dressed.”
“ICE CREAM?” Kit asked wildly, jumping up and down.  Lulu sighed. “I guess so. It is the hottest week of the year so far.”

Molly, Josefina, and Elsie stood up, yawned, and got up from their readings to get breakfast. Molly brought up, “You know, ALL of next week is Spring Break for Madeline. That means she’ll have time to do all kinds of stuff with us.” Josie nodded. “I think I heard that Madeline, her mom, and her sister are going to the Mint Museum of Art sometime next week. That should be fun.” Elsie agreed, pouring her cereal. “I wonder,” she spoke softly in her beautifully delicate voice. “If she will take along one of us to accompany her.” Molly got the spoons and passed them out. “Why not?” she said. “It would make a jim-dandy photo story.” Elsie and Josefina looked at her with their heads tilted, looking confused. “Jim-dandy?” they asked. Molly sighed. “Your not from the 40’s. Anyway, she probably will, anyway. Who do you think she’ll take?” Elsie curtsied, a sign to show she’d like to speak. “Well, I believe she will take the doll who’s character or time period matches the destination. For a valid example, she took along me to the Biltmore House because it the Vanderbilts were much alike the Dinsmores, and the Biltmore House was similar to mine. And I was alike Cornelia Vanderbilt. Do you understand why she chose me?” Molly and Josefina nodded. “You have a point. But who is like the Mint Museum of Art?” I’ve got no clue.” Elsie agreed. “I am aware of a clue neither.”

Samantha, Felicity, and Eva Grace walked in, just as The Penguins of Madagascar shut off.What even is the Mint Museum of Art, anyway?” Samantha asked. “Well,” began Molly. “It’s a museum.” Samantha gasped sarcastically. “NOOO! I would have never thought that the Mint MUSEUM of Art was a MUSEUM! Wherever did you hear that?” she sighed. “Molly, I meant what is IN the museum.” Molly shrugged. “Art.” she said simply. Now, Felicity, Eva Grace, Samantha, Josefina, and Elsie all together went, “NO!” Molly understood their sarcasm. “Ok, it’s like a museum, ok, and there’s art in it. But different kinds of art. Like there’s a whole exibit of clothing from long ago up until now. There is everything from ball gowns to shoelaces, in that exibit, I promise you. There is one part where they have Native American basket weavings, and they have another section where they have like, LIFE SIZE portraits–No BIGGER than life-size portraits of people like Anastasia and stuff.”

Eva Grace clapped. “I love that movie! Oh, Once upon a December….
“Not the movie.”

Molly went on. “There’s all kinds of stuff.  Everything from Native American little clay people, I guess you could call them, to modern art. It’s really fun.”
Felicity said, “Well who is gonna go with Madeline and her sis and mom?”
Samantha raised her hand. “There’s only one and ONE only person to ask.”


Meet The Traveling Sisters, Marisol and Kaya! January 12, 2010

Hey guys! Guess what? There are new traveling dolls here in town! Sadly I haven’t even finished Mia Moyer’s story, but I am geting there and have already started on writing it! But meet our newest traveling SISTERS, Marisol and her little sister Kaya!

“Are you sure right address, M’sissy?” asked Kaya.
“I’m sure, Kaya. Now if we could just get up these stairs…” Marisol said.
“But M’sissy, legs TIRED!”
“I know, Kaya. Almost there. And have you been working on your English lately?”
Marisol’s little sister, Kaya, was Native-American and didn’t speak English perfect. Kaya was also quite young, so she still had a way to go.

“DOOR! Open!” cried Kaya, slamming her face into the door.
“FINALLY, we’re HERE! Golly, that’s a LONG trip!!!” Even Marisol almost slammed her face into the door.
“Kaya, stop yelling. Be patient. Ring the doorbell. The AGDC dolls have been expecting us, so they should get to the door real quick.”

Suddenly, the door opened and a friendly, Asian face appeared. “Hi! I’m Eva Grace. Are you two the Traveling Sisters we’ve been expecting?”
Kaya, seeing another doll who was so close and so wildly talking, began to feel uncomfortable and stepped back and twirled some her long, black hair into her face.
“Yes, we are! My name is Marisol Hattrich, and this is my little sister. Please excuse her shyness. And her English.  And how she chews on her hair sometimes when she’s bored or feeling shy.”
“Oh, it’s fine!” laughed Eva Grace. Then she turned to Kaya. “What’s your name?”
“Her name’s Kaya.” explained Marisol, suddenly getting embarressed.
“Oh, such a pretty name!” said Eva Grace. “Come in, come meet the girls.”

But before they could go into Madeline’s room, a figure popped out. “MARY-SOLD! KAYLA! YOU TWO COULD MAKE IT!”
The Traveling Sisters looked at each-other, confused.
“Thank you, we did. But our names our actually Marisol and Kaya. And you?” That was how Marisol replyed to Samantha.
“Oh. Ok then.. (sigh). What about Looren?”
“It’s LAUREN.”
“Oh. Ok. I guess…ah…(sigh sigh)…oh, I’m Samantha. Ok then. Bye.”
“Not so fast, Sammi! What did I tell you about listening or creating Gossip?” said Eva Grace.
“You told me, ‘Don’t listen to (sigh) Gossip because it’s wrong and it can hurt people and you may hear the wrong (sigh) thing.’ That is what you (sigh) told me….”
“Yep, and go tell the others the Traveling Sisters are here.”

“Ok! Everyone!” Eva tried to calm all the girls down. “These are our new traveling dolls, the “Traveling Sisters” we’ve talked about. This is Marisol, and this one is Kaya. I want all of you to treat them extra-special and be nice!” Then Eva turned to the sisters.
“Here are our girls. Get ready. (all in one breath) Josefina, Felicity, Molly, Samantha, Addy, Kit, Elsie, Kathleen,Lulu, and myself, Eva Grace (pant pant pant). Ok, we all must make this house ready for our guests. Molly and Addy, begin to cook dinner. Elsie and Kathleen, help set the sleeping bags and stuff out for the girls. Josefina and Felicity, help the girls unpack. Kit and Lulu, go around and help with a little bit of each of those. I will set the table for dinner.”

But before Eva Grace dismissed everyone, Kaya was already over in a corner setting up her things quietly.

Soon, dinner was ready. There was a great meal of Breadsticks, Hotdogs, Fruit, Pizza, and Soda. It was very yummy. But before it was over, the realized Kaya had dissappeared from the table. Felicity felt concerned and she went to the Guest’s Room to see if Kaya was OK.

And she saw the oddest thing! Shy, little, sweet Kaya dancing and singing her heart out with the music blasting! Felicity dissappeared into the shadow of the room and secretly watched Kaya until the music on her tape recorder nearly wore out. Kaya almost screamed when Felicity came out of the shadows and she realized she had not been keeping her special talent a secret and now everyone would know. But Kaya couldn’t let anyone else know! She just could not. Her heart for music could not be spread.

Kaya, in fear, instantly covered herself in her long, beautiful silk hair and hid in the corner.
“Why you in Kaya’s room!!!!” Kaya yelled. “You not go in here!!!! Felicity goes in Felicity’s room!”
“Calm down, sweetie. It’s ok. Why do you keep your wonderful talent a secret? You dance beautifully!”
“‘Cause people make fun me of my dance.”
“M’sissy. And The School People.”
“They are just bullies. And your sister does it because you are SISTERS. There has to be another reason as well.”
Kaya nodded.
“I get afraid to dance front of others. I afraid they laugh again.”
“You shouldn’t feel that way! They are laughing at something they shouldn’t laugh at. You should share your gift and do it for God. Tell you what? If you start sharing your dancing and singing in front of others and start to believe in yourself, I’ll take you to “The Singing And Dancing Show” downtown.

“Yes. I like music and dance show.”
“Ok, then it’s set!”

Kaya and Marisol are so happy to be here as Traveling Dolls! Tune in next time to see there next adventure!!!!


Comment and Rate!


American Girl Doll Central Christmas Eve December 24, 2009

Filed under: All Dolls,Christmas or other Winter Activities,Holiday — Madeline@AGDC @ 8:45 PM

It was Christmas Eve, and the AGDC dolls got in their PJ’s and circled each other. “I’m so excited!” they said to one another. “Me too!”

Molly walked over to the other side of the room. “Look!” she said. “Madeline even gave us our very own stocking! She said that somebody named Santa Claus comes in and leaves presents. He leaves some goodies in the stockings if you hang them up!” The girls cheered at the satin red wonderful stocking that Santa would leave goodies in.

Kit went over to the Christmas tree. “I simply cannot wait!” She said. “Santa will leave great presents under our tree!!!!”

Lulu even read them a very cool book called “The Nigth Before Christmas”. Jitters of excitement filled the girls.

Because they could not attend Christmas Eve Candle Lighting Services, Elsie did her own with the,! LOL!

Then the dolls were snug in their beds, visions of sugar plums danced in their heads. They could hardly wait for the next morning. They could hardly sleep. They prayed a good-night prayer and thanked the Lord for Baby Jesus and everything He has given them and to have a blessed Christmas Time!!!

Thank you Everyone! Have a safe and Blessed Christmas and remember Jesus Loves You! COMMENT AND RATE!

Join us tomorrow for the Christmas Morning Special!!! Thanks!


American Girl Doll Central Christmas Party December 23, 2009

Filed under: All Dolls,Christmas or other Winter Activities,Doll Fun,Life Lessons — Madeline@AGDC @ 8:59 PM

The AGDC dolls bursted into the hallway. Still snug in their Bible costumes they hugged and congratulated each other of how good they did in the Christmas play. Laughter and relieved sighs filled the room.
“You were SO good!!”
“I’m glad that’s over! It was so fun!”
“Do you think the audience liked it? Do you think The Lord liked it?”
“I think everybody liked it!”

Every body started to take off their costumes. Head pieces were thrown to the floor and girls began taking their hair out of buns. They chatted with their best friends and gathered up their modern clothes to change back into.

Even Felcity’s horse had the jitters of excitement; playing the horse Mary rode on to Bethlehem. That was a big part for a young mare. Felicity tried to calm her down. She grabbed hold of the reins and pulled them towards the ground a little. “There’atta Girl!” Felicity said. “There’atta my girl!”

Molly had to yell a little above the excitement and quick chatter. “Everybody! Can I have your attention please! Ok,” she began. “After everybody is done chcnging out of your costumes and done handling and fixing up the stage, everyone please change into your Christmas dresses and meet me. Ok? We are going to have a Christmas party!” The girls listening to Molly cheered, they all liked parties.

Everyone quickly obeyed Molly. The twins, Elsie and Kathleen, were the first to get their dresses on, the ones they were planning to wear for Christmas. Elsie chose her yellow party undergarmets then over that chose her floral flannel skirt great for fall/winter, with the matching jacket. Elsie was straightly imported from 1850, so therefore her clothing choices were always like this. Now, only 2 dolls of AGDC were actually modern dolls, but all the other historical dolls had gotten used to modern life immediantly. But Elsie could not be broken. She believed that this was the modest way to dress, and the way the Lord would be pleased with her wearing. Although she did not find in sinful in the way her modern sisters dressed, because it was not innapropriate according to nowadays, and they believed it was modest. Kathleen chose her sister’s underclothes and turned it into a nice dress with a big Christmas bow around her waist. Josefina let Kathleen borrow her necklace, and Kathleen promised to take care of it, while pulling her hair into a bun.

Samantha and Molly were next. Samantha wore her white gown and tied a big Christmas bow around the waist, similar to Kathleen’s. Sam also chose to curl her hair, then to finish it off, she tied a green mistletoe bow in her hair. Molly  wore her famous green Christmas dress with stockings and buckle shoes, then tied a white bow in her hair on the side of her head.

Lulu and Felicity Merriman had picked out nice-n-festive outfits. Luluhad chosen a penguin shirt and blue-striped leggings. She tied a big blue bow in her hair. She also had a snowmen hat, not shown in this picture. Felicity chose formal pants and a shirt displaying “My first Christmas” and a reindeer, although this was not truly Felicity’s first Christmas, but her second one. Her creativity showed in her hairbow. She had put two bows together they tied them as one in her hair. One hairbow was green with tiny Christmas trees on it, and the other was red-and-white striped like a candy cane.

Kit and Addy were next. Addy had chosen an outfit similar to Lulu’s, a red snowman shirt with red-and-white striped leggings. Over her braids she wore a Santa Claus hat. Kit wore a red sweater and a blue wool skirt that belonged to Molly. She wore tights and boots, and her sweater displayed, “Merry Christmas!” She had a lilly-pad style bow in her short blonde hair.

Eva Grace and Josefina were last to show off their outfits. Eva Grace wore Josefina’s camisa and skirt along with a Christmas bow tied around her waist instead of the original tie-around. She also wore her best butterfly earrings; made by Madeline; and shoes and socks, and wore her hair down. Josefina wore Felicity’s shift with a giant blue Christmas bow around the waist, blue Asian-styled slippers that belonged to Eva Grace. She took the beads out of her dreadlock braids and tied her hair into a bun. Her golden earrings shone in the sunlight coming through the windows.

Next was craft time. The girl’s craft was paper ornaments, and everybody went quickly to work.
A working buzz filled the room.
“That’s pretty!”
“I’m going to make a snowman ornament.”
“Please pass the glitter, Elsie. Thanks!”
“Would you hand me those scissors?”
“Look at what I made!” exclaimed Addy after a few minutes. She held up a 3-D Christmas tree with silver tinsel glitter. The glitter shone brightly for all to see. The girls ‘OOOOOHHHHed’ and ‘AAAAHHHHHed’ at the ornament and clapped for their sister’s creation.

After a few MORE minutes of cutting and gluing and coloring and creating, Elsie held up two ornaments. “Are you fond of mine, sisters?” She asked politely. The girls clapped and cheered or her candy cane and 3D Christmas ball ornaments.

After everyone was finished, the dolls laided out the ornaments to let them dry. Next the girls had milk and cookies to celebrate and talk about Christmas time.

In the middle of the snack, Kathleen came up to Elsie. “You know, twin sis,” she said. “This WOULD be a perfect time to do your thing.” Elsie looked confused. “What do you mean, twin sister?” Kathleen put her soft and on Elsie’s shoulder. “Twin sis, I mean WHEN are you going to tell them what Christmas is really about. There all here, not doing much. It would be a great time. Plus, on Christmas day, they’d know REALLY why we celebrate.” Elsie  nodded. “Ok, twin sister. I will do so. Thank you for encouraging me.” Kathleen smiled with her perfect, beautiful white teeth, something she hardly ever did unless she was REALLY happy or proud of her sisters. “Great. I’ll do the introduction, to get you started. Elsie, my twinny, you’ll be glad you did it.”

Kathleen stepped tot he front. “Ladies and gentle girls, I give you, the amazing, moving, adorable girl, my very own twin sister, Elsie Rebecca Dinsmore!!!!! She has a very important message for all you today!” Everyone cheered and clapped and Kathleen sat down near the front.

Elsie cleared her throat and went up. “Um… Hello, everyone… it’s um, me, Elsie Dinsmore, your sister-in-Christ AND by doll.” Then, there was a click in Elsie’s brain and she got more comfortable. “Have you ever wondered..” she began. “What Christmas really is all about? Have you ever wondered where it came from? Why it’s a holiday? Why it is such an impact?” There was a ‘yes’ and some ‘MMMhhhmmmm’s coming from the crowd. There was a hand as well from Kit. Elsie pointed at the hand. “You think you know? Tell us.” Kit cleared her throat. “Um… Isn’t it because a holiday we give? A holiday of giving? And being thankful?” Elsie tilted her head. “Partly, partly. But not the true reason. Did you know that Christmas is a-very-special-someone’s birthday?” Guesses rose from the dolls.
“George Washington’s?”
Elsie shook her head. “No, someone greater. He came to earth and died on the cross for you.” Kit’s hand FLEW in the air and she shook it wildly. “I know! I know! I KNOW!!!!! JESUS!” Elsie nodded and clapped her hand. “Good job, Kit!” Then she turned back to everybody. Christmas is all about Jesus Christ’s birthday.” Addy raised her hand. “Is that why it’s called CHRISTmas?” Elsie nodded and clapped. “Great, Addy! Your correct!” Addy blushed and tilted her head. Then Elsie went on. “Jesus, the greatest King of all Kings, was born in a dusty, unhealthy stable in the small, busy town of Bethlehem. His main company were some shepherds, his earthly parents, and later wise men from the east. He was bon in not a crib but a manger, a feeding trough for animals.” Samantha raised her hand. “Like our play!” she said. Elsie nodded and clapped. “JUST like our play. How about I read from Luke?”

“Luke 2:1-20. And it came to pass in those days that there went out a decree from  Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria. And all went to be taxed, everyone into his own city. And Joseph also went tup from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; because her was in the house and lineage of David: To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, the glory of the Lord shone round about them, and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, that will be for all the people. For unto you born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly hosts praising God saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which has come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying the manger. And when they had seen it, they made know abroad the saying which was told unto them concerning this child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God. for all the things they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.” Elsie finished. There was a loud clapping and cheer from the crowd of dolls.

Josefina raised her hand. “That was WONDERFUL, Elsie! Now I truly know what Christmas is about! Thank you! But, why do we flood Christmas’s true meaning with presents and trees and candy? It distracts people from the true meaning.”

“True, Josefina. They sometimes can But that wasn’t the intention. You see, most Christmas traditions and symbols have a lot more to do with Christmas then we think. This Candy Cane, here, was created for the benefit of Jesus, according to legend. A german candy maker wanted to create a candy that pointed to Jesus. Then he came up with the candy cane, well known around the holidays today. The candy is hard, to represent that Jesus is our Rock of Life. The shape of the candy cane was 2-in-1. Tilted upwards, the candy cane is like a shepherd’s staff because Jesus is our shepherd and we are his sheep. Tilted upside down, the candy cane symbols a J for Jesus. The flavor is peppermint, which is similar to Hyssop, which was used a long time ago for purification and sacrifice.  The red stripes are representing Jesus’s blood. Sometimes smaller, thin red stripes are added to show the stripes from when the Roman soldiers whipped Jesus because of OUR sins. Sometimes also green stripes are added, to show that Jesus is a gift from God.” There was a cheer for the audience and suddenly it seemed as Candy Canes were signs of Jesus. Which they were, by the way.

“A Christmas tree is also a  sign of Jesus. One of the reasons these kinds of trees were chosen as Christmas ones was because they ‘point’ to heaven, where Jesus is today (not to mention here with us. He is everywhere, and even in your heart if you let him in). Tree toppers symbolize Jesus or the Nativity as well. Stars represent the one that shone on Baby Jesus; the one that led the Wise Men to him. An angel shows the one that told the Good News to the shepherds; and the one that watched over Baby Jesus.”

“What about presents?” asked Samantha. Elsie nodded. “Yes, presents. What about presents you may ask? Partly what Kit said. Christmas is  a time for giving and thankfulness as well as the birth of Jesus. Why, though? Jesus is behind it. It is believed we give presents like the Wise Men gave their most precious gifts to Jesus, as well as others did. God also gave His precious gift, His only son Jesus. Jesus was a gift from God. It is fun to receive presents, sit around the Christmas tree, and eat Candy Canes, but we can’t forget what they really mean.” Everyone cheered not only for Elsie but for Jesus. This would truly be the best Christmas ever.

Everyone gathered around the tree and sang Christmas carols and prayed that everyone would receive the best gift ever-Jesus Christ.

I hope you all have a very MERRY and BLESSED Christmas and that you ALL receive the great gift of Baby Jesus!!!! Comment and Rate!!!

Join us tomorrow for Christmas Eve and the next day for Christmas Morning! Thank you ALL you guys for everything. You are truly awesome.
Love, Madeline and her 10 dolls (plus Maggie!)


It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas-Decorating the Tree November 29, 2009

Filed under: All Dolls,Christmas or other Winter Activities,Doll Fun,Holiday — Madeline@AGDC @ 6:57 PM

It was the exact day after Thankgiving, and Christmas was beginning to sprout. Lulu, Molly, and Kit were the first to notice. First, they had heard on the human’s radio that Christmas music would play on the radio after Thanksgiving. Then, they saw that Madeline’s blog had a new Christmas style. So did her YouTube channel. And now, Madeline had placed a big mystery box by her bed. It was red and green, and the three girls were sure it had to mean it was Christmas again. Lulu, Molly, and Kit sang Christmas songs by the Hang-Out Circle, where the 7 other girls sat and talked. “Sing with us!” Kit said in the middle of “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree.” She pulled Ea Grace’s hand. “It’s Christmas again!”

“What makes you so sure?” A tired Eva Grace said as she lay  in the middle of the circle. “I haven’t seen a trace of green or red around. I mean, besides you three and your crazy costumes.” The dolls surrounding Eva Grace seemed to be on her side. “Besides,” said Addy. “Thanksgiving’ was only yesterday, and I ain’t ready for another holiday so soon!” The other dolls with Eva and Addy buzzed in agreement. Kit knew that her sisters were only tired from yesterday, staying up late and eating pie and all. Kit knew they didn’t truly mean to hurt Kit’s feelings or say what they thought  so harshly. But she felt a boil inside her and felt the determination to prove that the littlest sister, the baby in the house was not always wrong. Kit was determined to get her sisters to think straight, the way things were.

Kit marched over to the box Lulu, Molly, and she had examined earlier.  Kit couldn’t read, she didn’t know how yet. And since Lulu and Molly had never seen one of these, the reading didn’t help them. Molly had just click her fingers saying, “Oh, I seen one of these! The humans use them on Christmas. Uh, I dunno what they are called. Uh…” But now all 10 girls gazed at the box Kit leaned against. “Is it a Christmas present for us, maybe?” Kathleen asked. “I am not trying to sound greedy, but it looks like… WAIT! There is a note for us on it. Read it, Mols.”

Molly looked closely at the note. She read it aloud to the others. “My Girls,” she began. “I have laid out my personal little Christmas tree to you. Decorate it and take care of it. Then,  I am giving you my permission to tour the Christmas spirit through the house! Love, Madeline.” The girls were quick to open up the box. But they were dismayed to find what was inside.

“Aww!” the younger girls sighed. “It’s just a plant!” Kit said. “It looks boring! Let’s  just put it back in the box and tell Madeline we don’t want it.” The girls were disappointed, but most did not want to let go of their special treat, at least, that’s what Madeline thought of it. “Um?” said Felicity. “Check the directions? Maybe you press a button and it dances and sings or something.” Samantha and Josefina were already checking the box. “No directions. Just a bag full of little toys, I think. “Toys?” Kit jumped up. “Maybe that’s what Madeline wanted us to have. Maybe she was just trying to trick us and let us find the surprise for ourselves!” The girls “yayed” in hope. Elsie did not. “Why do you care so much about toys?” she asked. “I mean, they are wonderful and I would love a new doll for Christmas, but is toys what Christmas is about to you girls?”  She looked like she was about to start a story of what Christmas really was about, but she couldn’t get anyone’s attention. Some other dolls agreed with Elsie and spoke harshly to the girls who said they would certainly die if Madeline did not get them the Mini-Rebecca American Girl Doll for Christmas. But Lulu and Molly hushed them. The girls realized they had been out of the whole conversation. “Everybody!” Molly called. “We’ve figured out that this is a Christmas Tree, and what it is for is it is a pretty tree that you decorate with these little toy-like things called ornaments.” Then she nodded to Lulu. “Yeah,” Lulu said. “Then, you plug it in the wall, and the whole thing lights up!” Now the girls got excited that this plant turned out to be no plant after all. At least, not a boring one.

Molly and Lulu laid out the ornaments on the ground in front of the tree. Lulu explained what the plan was. “Ok,” she began. “Everyone gets to pick two ornaments to hang on the tree. Please no shoving or pushing. When it is your turn, you may pick up your two ornaments and hang them wherever you want on the tree.” Molly smiled at the little blonde-haired, freckle-face girl standing beside her. “And we’ve decided that Kit gets to put on the tree-topper, since she is the youngest. Kit grinned and hugged Molly.

Before anyone chose and hung their ornaments, Molly put the lights and wrap-around on the tree. Then she invited everyone to start the fun.

Eva Grace was first. She chose the delightful reindeer Clarice from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Then she hung up a little snowman.

Next, Josefina and Samantha went up together. Josie chose a a little green and red heart with a bell at the bottom, and Samantha chose a red one that was similar. And what other ornament did each girl put on? 😉

Sam and Josefina were fascinated by the fact that Madeline actually had ornaments with theirs and Kirsten’s face on it! Well, not exactly ORNAMENTS, but little magnets that stuck to the pot the Christmas Tree was in. Josefina and Samantha laughed at the little magnets with their faces on it!

Felcity chose a Clifford the Big Red Dog ornament. along with a Rudolph ornament that was supposed to go with the Clarice one Eva Grace chose.

Addy went for the ones that looked homemade. She claimed they reminded her of home. She picked a buttoned mitten and a little heart. As she placed them on the tree, the heartwarming little cloth ornaments made the tree shine even without the lights on.

Elsie picked hers carefully. She picked up a little angel with a pretty face. It reminded her of the First Christmas, a story she hoped she would have time to tell. Elsie also picked a little wooden reindeer, with a red collar and green belt. It was lovely to her.
She got up and put them on the tree.

Next, it was Kathleen’s turn. She picked the two twin baby angels and green mittens.

Lulu, a little more sporty, chose a Carolina Panthers candy cane, and also a little ornament version of the Oak Island Lighthouse.

Kit had proudly chosen hers.  First thing, she had grabbed the tree topper angel, and as her sisters chose their ornaments, she picked out a miniature snow globe. It would look like it was really snowing if you shook the little glass ball!

“Come over here, Margaret Mildred!” Molly said to Kit. Kit smiled. Molly was her very first sister, and the very first doll of all of AGDC. Kit admired Molly even more than she did Lulu or any of her other big sisters. Molly was kind and funny, and went out of her way to protect and entertain Kit and her sisters. Kit had always wanted Madeline to buy a doll her own age, but the only dolls ever welcome were older than Kit. Addy, Josefina, Felicity, Eva Grace, Samantha, Kathleen, and Elsie were 9 or 10 years old, and Lulu was about 12. Molly was 12, too, and Kit loved Molly so much. Kit loved ALL her sisters the same, but Molly was still special. Now, Molly lifted up Kit on her shoulders and the little 8 year old put on the tree topper and everyone cheered.

Now it was time to stare back at the girl’s creation. Fun, colorful ornaments mixed with the warm, heartfelt homemade ones. The girls smiled.

This is what the tree looked like in the back. Marvelous!

Now Folks, the moment you’ve all been waiting for! The tree lit up like a star. Wow, it was incredibly beautiful. 🙂
From the back of the tree, lit up.

Well, thank you for reading! COMMENT AND RATE! To see the video/slideshow version of this photo story, visit my Youtube. — AGmadeline17 —


An American Girl Doll Central Thanksgiving November 27, 2009

Filed under: All Dolls,Doll Fun,Holiday,It's Fall! — Madeline@AGDC @ 2:11 PM

“OK, everybody! Settle down, settle down! Everyone stand back!” Molly McIntire was trying to push off 8 excited girls off her. Molly was the leader of AGDC, and they decided that she should run the Thanksgiving Feast, as long as Addy helped her cook the food, since Addy was the best cook in the dollhouse. But since Molly was running the feast, everyone had questions and everyone quickly decided that she would them with buttoning their nice dresses or help them on their “Thankful” acrostic for school.

Lulu finally helped Molly line them up in a line. “Ok,” Molly began. “Today is Thanksgiving, and we are going to have a better one than we did last year. Don’t even make me remind you. Thank goodness Madeline didn’t have a blog back then, where she can show us to the world. No. This year’s will be inspirable. You here me?” The dolls nodded and raised their hand to their forehead in a salute. “Ma’am, yes, Ma’am.” Molly nodded. “Ok, then, recruits. Everyone dress in a nice outfit, a dress or skirt outfit. If you need help zipping or buttoning, go get Lulu. She’ll help you. Then I want everyone to retreat to the main doll dining hall, A.K.A. Madeline’s living room. Now everyone pledge.” The dolls nodded . “My country tis’ of thee, sweet land of liberty, of the I sing! Land where my father died, land of the pilgrim’s pride! From every mountain side, let freedom RING!”

When they got there, Molly and Addy cooked good food and decided to make a buffet of it so it would be easier and more organized to get everyone’s food.
Yum! But before anyone could get their food or eat, they gathered at the table.

Molly spoke. “Ok, is everyone here? Good job, recruits. Before we eat, let’s do devotions and have prayer. Kathleen and Elsie, will you help us out?” The twins nodded, excited to take such responsiblity.

Kathleen began with a word from the Word.  She found a very nice verse for the occasion in Psalm. “Enter His gates with Thanksgiving,enter His courts with praise.”

Everyone bowed their heads and closed their eyes, and Elsie began to lead the prayer.

“Oh, Father in Heaven. Thank you for this day, for our friends and family, and I thank you for everyone in this room, O Lord. Thank you that we can come together today to feast on food you gave us. Please help us to remember that today is the day that we serve you and thank you. We thank you for sending your son and all you’ve done. Help us to remember that. Bless others with us. Guide us through the day and help us to be more like you. In Jesus name, and everybody said, ‘Amen'”

The dolls started down the line, each picking a piece of food from each plate.

From the back of the line.

All the dolls sat down and enjoyed an great feast!!! Then Elsie had a great idea.

“I know!” she said. “How about we all go around and say what we are thankful for? I will start. I am thankful for, as I said before, that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. God gave his only son for me. He died for me,a sinner! I think that is just something to praise the Lord for. Kit?”

“Um… I am thankful for my Molly and Lulu and all my big sisters. I love them all so much for protecting me. For loving me and making me food and tucking me in bed and caring for me. I am thankful for my mommy Madeline. I know some dolls aren’t as lucky as me. Their mommies sell them on ebay bare, cold, and messy-haired. But I have clothes, I am warm, and my hair is brushed and neat. All because of my mommy and great sisters.” Everyone went “Aww.” when they heard this.

Addy was next. ” I am thankful for freedom.  I am thankful that I am a freed girl and I know what it is like to be locked up and treated like a work animal. But now, I can fly and I am free and I live in a free nation. That is what I am thankful for.” Felicity was next. “I am thankful for ability. I have two legs and arms that help me run and play freely. I have eyes that see clearly, ears that hear delicate music and pounding, a mouth that will talk and eat food. My nose can catch and ring up thousands of different smells. Some children don’t have all of these abilities.

Molly started hers. “Like Kit, I am thankful for family and friends. I am in a grand home with humans and fellow dolls that love me and keep me safe. You all mean so much to me. And Madeline, she dresses me and feeds me food and does that most creative fashions in my hair.  I love her. And I love all of you. I love my family and friends, and that is what I am thankful for. Josie, you may go.” Josefina smiled. “I am thankful for color and creativity. I am thankful for a world I live in, where nobody is the same. Every country, city, and family have different traditions. When I step out of the house, I hear voices of children, see a blue sky and sunshine,  and smell great things. My friends and even family members are all different. I am also thankful for education, where I can grow up to be the woman I want to be, and I hope that God will guide me in my path.”

It was now Samantha’s turn to say what she was thankful for. “I am thankful that I have things I need when I need them. I have a bed when I am tired, food when I am hungry, medicine when I am sick, family and friends around me when I am lonely. I am never really needy. God has blessed me. I am also blessed with things I am not in need of, but I am fortunate with things I also want. I have games and toys and more clothes than ever when I only really need one outfit.  I am in a wonderful wold, and I praise God for it. Eva Grace, it is your turn.” Eva Grace smiled an sat up. “Well, OK.” she began. “I am very thankful for water and clean clothes and food. Not much people here realize that clean underwear and warm socks would be only a dream to some people in other countries. And the only water some kids every see is the dirty water with trash floating all in it. I am thankful for that everyday I wake up to brush my teeth in clean water. I can take baths in clean water. Drink it, water flowers with it, use it for pleasure and more. I am thankful for this wonderful home and all of you guys.”

Next it was Lulu’s turn. “Ok, first of all, let me say this has been a wonderful time with you guys from the day Madeline  took me out of that box. I love all of you. I am thankful for what we are eating right now.  A FEAST. A BIG, blown-out FEAST. And this is only a third of our meals each day. You know how much this would mean to a girl in Kenya, where I came from? They have to walk miles for a handful of dried rice. And that’s all they have for that day, everyday. But we all have more than a Kenyan girl could imagine in one plate. And we all have our own flavored refreshments. I am thankful for food and water.” Kathleen was last but not least for saying what she was thankful for. “I am thankful for everything. But I am thankful for you guys. We could be stranded in the middle of Africa or the streets in China and I would feel the exact same-happy, as long as I am with you girls. You mean the world to me. And my twin sister, Elsie. I love you so. I am also thankful for food, water, clean clothing, ability, creativity, education, family, friends, big sisters, freedom,  and salvation. Folks I could stand here all night naming things I am thankful for, thanks to you. Thanks.” Everyone cheered for everyone. This was a special time. “Ok,” Molly called cheerfully. “Let’s all get a family photo!”

TOP LEFT TO RIGHT: Josefina Montoyez, Eva Ward, Samantha Parkington, Lulu Kibwana,Kit Kitteredge, Felicity Merriman, Molly McIntire.
BOTTOM LEFT TO RIGHT: Kathleen Mackenzie, Addy Walker, Elsie Dinsmore

Funny Faces LOL!

Bounus Content:

My dolls are also thankful that they are able to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade! 🙂

Well, Thank you for reading! What are you thankful for? COMMENT AND RATE!