American Girl Doll Central

It's Christmas at AGDC!

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011! January 1, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!! Yep, it’s officially 2011!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYA! My BFF Abby (you may know her as pepperlot, Abby@CCGA) spent the night tonight and we aren’t planning on going to bed anytime soon! Haha! We gathered in my mom and dad’s room and watched the ball drop. Then, when 2011 hit, we opened a bottle of sparkling grape juice and gave New Years cheers! Then, of course, we went outside and banged pots and pans. LOL. Then I had the crazy idea to get out the iHome (the thing you plug music into to make it loud) , plug it in outside, and play loud music! Hahaha we are so dorky but it was fun anyway. Now we are waiting for AG, who is as slow as an old man, to update their site! Yay! My dolls are excited, too. They had fun eating cake and watching the ball drop! 😉
Well, Lanie now feels like old news. Melanie and Rebecca (Abby’s dolls) are trying to cheer her up, but inside they are praying that Abby will decide to get Kanani. XD
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Happy  New Yea
Happy  New  Year
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Happy  New  Year  of 2011!!!
Happy  New  Year  of 2011!!!
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🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂  🙂 🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂


An Adorable Video! And some other stuff! December 12, 2010

Hi guys! Well, as you know, I’ve just opened up a new site, so I’ve been working on that over the last couple of days, so I haven’t been doing much work on here. Bu today I have a couple exciting things for you, and an adorable video I found that I thought you guys would enjoy seeing. 🙂

1. I have been planning some really fun stuff for you guys that I have been working on this week and the past weekend. It’s a surprise, but I will tell you that one is a music video and the other is a slideshow based on a touching song. Since theses are so special, I will be posting the video on both Youtube and my site, and the slideshow on picasa as well as right here! You really want some clues? Ok, here’s a few (for the video):
• Features a song by 8-year-old Rhema Marvanne (I’m making a post about her soon and letting you guys get to know her soon!).
• Based on a true story (not the song but the actual video).
• About a girl who’s AAD is in the RUAMSY (unscramble!) Heehee! Oh, and in case your wondering, it’s not sad. LOL. In fact, it’s actually pretty peppy and fun.
And the slideshow…..well, it’s touching and based on soemthing that’s going through my life now. NOW MY LIPS ARE SEALED! LOL! Wait, if they’re sealed, how can I tell you #2? *unzips lips*

2. I am going to NY (the state, not the city, LOL) to see family and celebrate pre-Christmas with them!  We are leaving in a few days for the 13 hour drive (I REPEAT, 13 HOURS!) to go up. I’m so excited! I haven’t seen my cousins up there in 1 or 2 years! I’m so excited. We aren’t staying for actual Christmas, but you can bet everything’s going to be snowy up there! We might get up to 4 feet of snow- meaning we might be snowed in for an extra day or two! I haven’t seen that much snow in my life! But pray we can get home before C-mas..LOL. Right now, it looks like I’m bringing Julie and Sam, and I may make a photostory based on the preparations for the trip. What do you think? 😀

Heheee! NOW I can seal my lips as I show you this adorable video!

Heehee! Enjoy!


My new site! December 5, 2010

Filed under: Advertisement,Message from Madeline — Madeline@AGDC @ 6:43 PM

Hey guys! I made a new site with my BFF- it’s called Babysitters Bungaloo! I made it for girls like you who love kids and love to babysit! I just made it, so it’s kind of new, but there are already some things up there! So head over there and check it out and tell me what you think- I would appreciate it if you leave a comment, too. 😉 Here’s a little big of information about it which i posted on then site:
“Welcome to Babysitters Bungaloo blog! My name is Madeline, and I am 12 years old. I made this site for babysitters everywhere to meet and connect and share their funny stories, cute quotes, and helpful tips! My BFF Abby and I LOVE little kids and both babysit, as well as work in the nursery on Sundays at our church! We will be posting our experiences on here as well as tips and more! Check back soon and have a great day! :)

To visit the site, click HERE! I hope you enjoy and have a great day!!!!



It’s My Birthday Today! October 17, 2010

Filed under: Baking and Cooking,Cool!,Message from Madeline — Madeline@AGDC @ 7:03 AM

Hey everyone! Today is my birthday!!!!! Thank you for all the pre-birthday wishes!!!!!!!!! You guys are awesome and such great online friends! I’m so lucky to have met all of you online! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

In speech of birthdays, here are some pretty cool AG-themed cakes I found online. No copyright intended!!!!

Here is a Jess cake. Jess was the 2006 doll of the year!

This one is really cute! It’s an AG store bag with Grace (Kit’s dog) popping her head out of the top!

Here’s a JLY cake that shows a doll and Coconut.

Here’s a very nice one- a pretty pink stacked cake with an American Girl Doll cut-out on the top.

Whoever made this one has awesome decorating skills! This is Kit’s Tree House!!!!

Here’s another cute cake based on JLY dolls!!!!!

Which one was your favorite???

12-year-old Maddi 🙂



Filed under: Message from Madeline,What's New — Madeline@AGDC @ 4:55 PM


I am so happy because I got back from the beach today, we means I AM here for the anniversary!!!!! I am so excited!

Here’s a little history of my blog.

As everyone says when their blog hits its anniversary, I started this blog having no idea what it would be like. I didn’t think it was too great, I didn’t know if people would like it or even view it, and I wasn’t sure about anything. Before I started this blog, I admired so many others and said one day, “Hey, maybe I could do that.” I asked my dad how to create a website, and he told just to punch in: “Make a Website for free.” So I did. I tried so many blog-maker-things-or-whatever-you-call-them, but nothing seemed to work for me. ( In fact, there are actually Blogger, Webs and more AGDC sites with nothing on them!!!!) I almost gave up, but then WordPress came along. It was easy, fun, and seemed very simple. So when I got my URL, I made a little post. It was just saying stuff like “This is American Girl Doll Central” and “I hope you like my website.” and things like that, along with a blurry picture of my dolls and my friend’s two dolls.
Then I got a little creative. I toyed around with my website and figured out how to tweek the appearance, add links and categories, and more. My very first photo story was, I believe, about Eva Grace celebrating Pink Day. You could barely call it a photo story, based on what I have now. But I thought it was pretty good, and I made adventures of my friend’s Kit doll traveling to my house.
I tried t0 get people visit my website. When  visited another site, I’d say something like “Please look at my site if you can! I love yours!”. This is pretty funny: When I would go to the Apple store at the mall, I’d go on one or two of the sample computers and purposely leave it on American Girl Doll I thought a little girl would come by and see it! 🙂
Soon, lots of people started to visit my site! I wasn’t sure what did it, but people from other doll sites started to comment regularly. Soon, I was becoming a real website owner! It was so fun adn I would log on every day after school and enjoy reading emails and new comments. If you have a blog, you know how great it feels to get positive comments and emails. Some people now have even asked me for advice! I feel great to be someone that other girls can ask advice.
And, I’ve gained SO MANY FRIENDS!!!! I’ve never seen some in real life, but it’s pretty cool because I have some great online BFF’s (whom I really want to meet someday)!

Oh, and let me say another time: YOUR COMMENTS COUNT! I LOVE to receive comments on anything- my blog, my picasa, my youtube……and I will try my best to reply to them! So comment!


Q: The name of the site is American Girl Doll Central. Why is the URL “americangirldcentral” and not just “americangirldollcentral” or “americangirlcentral”?

A:  In the process of trying to create a blog, I created a wordpress. “American Girl Central” was what I wanted to call my website. Americangirlcentral was already taken, so I decided to make it “American Girl DOLL Central.” And at first, americangirldollcentral WAS  the URL. But for some reason I lost the password to it, so I couldn’t log into it. I just decided to make a new one. Of course, americangirldollcentral was “already taken” so I had to just leave it a d, apparently.

Thank you ALL for making this site possible. Yes, it’s you, the friends and fans, that make me love to blog.

Madeline and 11.


Hey! July 23, 2010

Filed under: Message from Madeline — Madeline@AGDC @ 3:26 PM

Hi guys! I just got back from camp, but guess where I’m going now-the beach! We were supposed to leave in a couple days, but a few days ago we decided that we’d leave today. We will be staying for a week. Here’s why I’m telling you- so that you don’t freak out when I’m gone, and American Girl Doll Central’s first year anniversary takes place while we are gone. 😦 I know, horrible, right? I won’t be here! Well, maybe I will… sister is bringing her laptop. However, we aren’t sure whether or not we’ll get internet where we are (were staying at a beach house, not a hotel.). We think we will, and hope so, but not sure. I’m telling you that if I suddenly disappear over the next few days, then we don’t have internet. If we DO end up having it, then I’ll make a quick post to say we do. Thank you so much and have a great day! Pray that we have internet! 😉


InnerStar U Starter Set July 20, 2010

Filed under: Innerstar University,Message from Madeline — Madeline@AGDC @ 1:25 PM

Hey everyone! My sister comes back from Nicaragua today! Thank you for all your prayers and have a blessed day!

But this post is mainly about InnerStar U. I just bought the starter kit! I earned the money and my mom ordered it, so hopefully it’s on it’s way! I can’t wait! You can check to see what InnerStar U is like on Liz’s website, American Girl Fan, here. I noticed that some of you had questions and complaints about InnerStar U, and I’m here to help.

From a parent on my website: “My daughter has purchased 3 American Girl dolls in the past three years, and I feel that it is a shame that she has to purchase another one just to access this InnerStar site.”

I’m sorry about how you feel! Actually, your daughter doesn’t have to purchase another doll. She can get the starter pack for $10 (free shipping). If she has only historical dolls, that is also OK. Historical Dolls are not featured on the site, but she can create a virtual MyAG. If you still are not sure, you can try out the free demo at American

From hew608: “When I searched American Girl, there was no starter kit. 😦 Where do you find it?”

Hew608, you can buy the starter pack HERE. Hope this helps!



Camp, A new Photostory & JULY 4TH PICS! July 15, 2010

Hi everyone! Just letting you know that I will NOT be on tomorrow (Friday, July 16) through next Monday (July 19). This is because I am going to camp with my church that weekend—Camp Dixie!!!!! I may or may not bring my doll, but if I do, I will TRY to take a few pictures but it is not guaranteed. If I can’t maybe I can make a special camp thing with my dolls or something here at home when I get back.  Also, yesterday my sister left for Nicaragua on a missions trip with her school. They are staying for a week and going to the biggest garbage dump in the world, home to hundreds and thousands of families. So please pray for us campers to have a safe trip and for my sister’s mission trip and that Nicaraguans will be saved. 🙂

In other news, I have made a brand new photo story on Picasa. I have decided that when I make a new photo story there, I will post a picture from it and a brief explanation wheat the story is about. Here I go:
Julie has always loved to play the violin, even before she came to AGDC. But when she’s really put to the test to see how well she plays, can she prove her musical heart well enough to get into a fine respected orchestra???”
To read this story, scroll down to my link bar and visit “Madeline’s Picasa Albums.” This will take you to my picasa page, where you can read a few photo stories. Many other stories are found on this site. If you’d like to comment on this story but do not have a Picasa, come back here saying you’ve read the story and what you thought of it. Thank you! NOTE: As for what I have decided, I am going to start to do some stories on picasa, some on here, so I can keep a well balance. I hope to add some more stuff here soon besides just photo stories. I am also working hard on making some AG videos for my youtube.

NOW, THE MOMENT YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR….JULY FOURTH PICTURES! So, I got three pictures. Not too many, but I’m very thankful that these three sent them in! Thanks!!!!! I have also added some of MY pictures.

This picture was sent in by  Hannie (Hannah), from IrishGirl! I think it’s really pretty. All three of her dolls are celebrating America’s Independence with a party! I love all the decorations-the poster, the little mini paper chain…. the cookies are a nice little touch, as well! The clothes on the dolls are totally red, white and blue, too! Hannah is kind of an Irish-American girl living in Ireland, I guess you could say! LOL

This next picture was sent in by ANNE! Her doll Charlotte is doing a patriotic dance for her friends. I think this is really nice! You get the feel that Charlotte is really dancing, she’s not just standing still. The box is a cute little stage. The girls below look like they are really enjoying the performance. Are you? 😉

Last but not least…..Leanna’s picture! (Sorry Leanna I am not sure if this is the picture you wanted. I hope it is!) Leanna’s dolls, Kristy and Lanie, are having a picnic to celebrate the Fourth of July. Another great pic! The lighting is just very cool and still Summery in the picture. I like how she used the bandanna as a picnic blanket and I love the little food! And note that it’s food you eat at a picnic, she didn’t just stick a piece of pizza or beans on the plate.


Ok, now for some of mine…….

Earlier in the day before we go see fireworks, Julie goes on A little car ride. “Do you like my outfit?” she asks.

“Oh, look, look, look, Madeline’s mom!!!! Lemonade!!! Can we get some??? Pretty, pretty, pretty please???” I don’t know how anyone COULD say no! They were all little kids raising money for charity with big signs and waving flags. Right at a stoplight in a neighborhood, too.

“Yum, yum, yum! Dee-licious!” Those kid’s mommies sure do make some good lemonade!!!!”

(Sorry for the bad quality! I had to use flash and it always makes my dolls look all shiny and weird.) Later, we grab Addy decked out in her fourth of July wear and head to the fireworks show. “I can’t wait!” says Addy. “Me neither!” Julie agrees.

When we get to the sow, we sit on a quilt Madeline’s great grandmother had made. We meet our friend Nicki, too! “Hi Nicki!” And then we watch the fireworks. They were so pretty! Happy Fourth of July everyone!

Oh and I forgot to mention- we have some new people in “Our Friends and Their Dolls”. Visit the page to see!


Leanna’s New Site! July 7, 2010

Filed under: Advertisement,Message from Madeline,Real American Girls — Madeline@AGDC @ 9:07 PM

One of my BFFs on the internet, Leanna, has made a website. She has been on here for a while and has a picasa, but she is going to make her very own website!!! She and I would appreciate it if you went to her website! It’s new so there’s not much to see right now, but she hopes to post more, so be sure to be checking!!!!

One thing that really was nice of her was she gave a shoutout to me! Thanks, Leanna!!!!!  Here’s the link to her site:

It’s called Me and My Dolls.

From, Madeline


Happy 4th of July!!!! July 4, 2010

Filed under: Holiday,Message from Madeline,Summer — Madeline@AGDC @ 2:53 PM

Happy 4th of July!!!!!!!

I hope you all are having a great time today!

Here’s a video of our national anthem…hope you enjoy!!!

Why do you love America? You may love the freedom of religion and speech. You may be from a different country and are glad that America welcomed you here. What are you thankful for?

My dolls are so thankful that they are free, and so am I. We are also very blessed here, even when we have bad economy situations.

God bless America!!!!!!!! America is a nation founded on God, and that is another thing we can be very thankful for. We can be thankful for our troops fighting over seas, too.

I hope you have a wonderful day going to church and doing maybe a fun celebration there, watching fireworks, having cookouts, and more. And don’t forget to send your pictures in! (Scroll down to post about that).

I have taped our local fireworks show for you to enjoy. I know I have some fans out of the country who are American/parents from America, and since they don’t get an oppertunity to watch fireworks on this day, it’s for them as well. It’s not the same, I know, but I hope you enjoy them! The first one may get boring if you have already since fireworks lately, but if they  do get boring, go ahead and watch the grand finale!!!! (Second video)

Click HERE to see video Number 1!

Click HERE to see video Number 2!
