American Girl Doll Central

It's Christmas at AGDC!

Eva Grace and Julia Have a Play Date December 10, 2009

Filed under: Doll Fun,Eva Grace,Julia,Our Friends and Their Dolls — Madeline@AGDC @ 9:41 PM

Eva Grace woke up one Saturday morning. She got dressed and ate breakfast, then simply sat down in her room. “What should I do today…” she mumbled to herself. Molly and Lulu were taking Kit out to get leaves for her project due on Monday, Kathleen and Addy were STILL asleep, Elsie, Josefina, and Samantha were reading together for a little book club they formed on Saturday mornings, and Felicity was over at a friends house. The only doll who didn’t have ANYTHING to do hardly was Eva. She COULD go over to that girl Maggie’s house right across the hall (right across the street in doll form), but Eva a little scared to. Finally, though, she had an idea.

“Julia?” Eva Grace barely knew how to use a people phone, but this was Madeline’s sister’s old one, so Eva Grace thought no one should mind. But she got it working. “Julia? Yes, Hello. It’s me, Eva Grace. Yeah, that’s cool you are going on a vacation over winter break! Well, anyway, I wanted to ask if you want to come over? Ok, I will let you ask your mom……Ok? She said it’s fine? Ok, I’ll be waiting by the front door. Love-ya-like-sister! Bye!” Julia was the doll of Madeline’s neighbor, Abbey, and one of Eva Grace’s BFFs.

Soon there was a knock on the door. “Yay, Jules!” Eva Grace greeted her friend. “How do you do,  Miss Eve Gray?” Julia greeted in return, curtsying in a funny way. “So, come on in!” Eva Grace said, closing the door behind them. “Hey, girl!” Julia said, pointing to Eva’s shirt and skirt. “Love the out!”  Eva Grace glanced at herself then at Julia. “Yeah, we ARE wearing the same thing, LOL! Come with me, we’ll go to my room.” Then the two heard an, “OUR room!” coming from another place in the house. “Just my sissies!” laughed Eva Grace.

“So, how are you? Julia asked. “I’m fine, you?”  said Eva Grace back. The girls sat down and chatted a little and laughed that they had worn the same outfit, not on perpose. The girls thought about what they should do. Julia suggested, “How ’bout you do my hair? Then I’ll do yours.” Eva Grace laughed. “Hair Stylists it is!”

Eva started on doing Julia’s hair. First she brushed, and brushed and brushed. Did I mention she brushed?

“Wow! Braids! I love them, Eva Grace! I didn’t know you could braid. It looks great! Now it’s my turn to do your hair.

Another marathon of brushing, brushing, brushing.

Julia put Eva Grace’s hair in a silly, funky style. “Wow, Jules!” Eva Grace giggled, stray hairs flying in her face. “Thanks, this is quite the style!” Julia laughed. “You know I’m no super star at hair, you can take it out if you’d like, Miss Eve Gray.” Eva shook her head, not wanting to hurt her friend’s feelings. “Oh, no, Jules. It’s fine. I like it. Now what should we do next?”

Next up, the girls looked at the American Girl Doll catalouge. Eva Grace wants the Ivy’s New Year Dress fir Christmas, and Julia likes Julie’s room accessories.

Soon, it was time for Julia to go home back to Abbey. “Bya, Jules Girl!” Eva Grace said, hugging her best friend. “See ya, Miss Eve Gray!” Julia said back. The girls hugged once more and exchanged some terse conversation, then departed.

When Julia had shut the door behind her and left, Eva Grace scrambled to her room and squished down on the carpet and tugged out the rubber band in her hair. “How silly Julia is!!!!” She said. “How silly and crazy and funky and creative and tomboyish she is….

But I love her!”

Meanwhile, beck at Julia’s house in her room….

“How silly and calm and creative and fashion-y and pink and GIRLY Eva Grace is!” Julia said. “But I love her anyway!”