American Girl Doll Central

It's Christmas at AGDC!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! December 31, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Madeline@AGDC @ 11:45 PM

HAPPY NewYear 2010!


Happy New Year’s Eve!

Filed under: Christmas or other Winter Activities,Holiday,Message from Madeline — Madeline@AGDC @ 10:40 PM

Hey Everyone!!!!! Happy New Year!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

Happy N
Happy Ne
Happy New
Happy New Y
Happy New Ye
Happy  New Yea
Happy  New  Year
Happy  New  Year o
Happy  New  Year of
Happy  New  Year  of 2010!!!
Happy  New  Year   of 2010!!! 🙂

I hope you all have lots of fun! I know lots of you and your dolls are going to try to stay up until 12:00 AM. Maybe some of you will throw parties, have fun with friends and family, and put off fun fire-crackers or fireworks (I am hearing some right now down the street!!!) 2009 was a great year filled with family, friends, and fun!!!

2010 will also bring us new dolls and fun with American Girl. Welcoming Lanie Holland to the world of AG!
Today I went to the bookstore and got the very first Lanie book. I am already on Chapter 6. It is a really good book!
I will be posting the New Year Party with my dolls either tomorrow or January second, including the dolls staying up to watch the ball drop!!! So be HERE, but if you cannot make it…. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I hope you all have a fun and safe NEW YEAR!!!!
Love, Madeline and the ten ♥


“hey” from samantha December 30, 2009

hey people it me samantha. hello. madeline said i um could post here. you see though i not very good on computer so please excuse me. thanks.

ok so you all know we (“Lulu, how do you caps things?” “Here, you press this button then the light comes on..” “Ok, thanks.”)  TOTALLY forgot the whole christmas morning thing. wah wah waha waha wah cry sob cry sob! its all kit’s fault. she forgot to take pictures. well maybe its NOT but still im not going to blame MADELINE she is my human and this is her blog. well anyway sorry about that. wah wah wahha sob cry sobbb please forgive me and the dolls. we mean no harm. next year. or maybe just later. but no promises.  oops. but im sure your wondering what we got.
1. we got a really cool doll locker from madeline’s friend lindsay.
2. travel-the-world kid playset with a little paper passport and everything.
3. we got a new doll (mini doll) her name is nellie. she is my best friend in doll version.
4. elsie’s blue merino coat from life of faith
5.  new outfit (to share) thats really pretty from madeline’s aunt lisa.
6.a new christmas dress called  addy’s christmas dress from american girl
7.a horse-back riding outfit. not the one from american girl but from our generation
8. radio and CDs
9. coconut the dog
and that sort of stuff. pus madeline also got some money from her nana for christmas and she ordered ivy’s chinese dress from american girl for eva grace to wear during chinese new year. yep we got lots of great stuff this year. but here’s the deal. madeline got this….thing that’s supposed to make stuff as long as you give it fabric. like make doll clothes and stuff. it makes weird noises and puts stitches on things and has a pointy needle. am i scared? NO…um, well, STILL it’s pretty freaky.
well anyway what we ARE going to do and not forget is stay up until midnight on New Years Eve and watch the ball drop and be the first to see lanie go online. usually molly and lulu stay up and we go to bed but not this year. madeline is gonna let us try. i don’t know about kit addy felicity eva grace elsie and kathleen but me and josefina have made a vow to stay up with the big kids and even the humans. wont that be the coolest. yep it will.
OH AND PLEASE OH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP send in your holiday photos. madeline sent it out to you guys on this very website not long ago. but she didn’t get ONE reply. i feel bad for her. now that is just pitiful. yep. so please send them in i am counting on you. (“Lulu, how do you make a smile?” “Here, look you press this and this then this.” “Ok, thank you big sister!” *kiss*) 🙂
thank you everybody. i love you all (like friends i mean) and i think you guys are the greatest. madeline thinks so too. she told me. well anyway thank for coming. YOU KNOW YOU WANNA COMMENT!
love love love,
samantha elizabeth parkington



Filed under: Lanie Holland- GOTY 2010,TOP SECRET,What's New — Madeline@AGDC @ 7:52 PM

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?????? SHE’S FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
We’ve had so many clues and facts and rumors…. but now….. as far as looks goes, all those mishaps are put to the final test. Title says it all.

I am going to read the Lanie books  all-the-way, because this is the first GOTY I may actually want to get. (I mean, since I’ve gotten into AG.) But if she turns out the way I hope—Get ready for Lanel Amanda Holland in Summer 2010.


Merry Christmas-Happy Birthday Jesus! December 25, 2009

Filed under: Christmas or other Winter Activities,Message from Madeline — Madeline@AGDC @ 9:30 PM

Merry Christmas All!

Hey! Good Morning and Merry Christmas!!!! It’s so great to once again celebrate Jesus’s birthday and all the fun traditions we get to do!!! I hope you all have a safe and blessed Christmas, and that you all get what you wanted! LOL!
I will be posting the Christmas Morning special of my dolls tomorrow around afternoon time, so be sure to stick around! I just can’t do it today because you know-Holiday and Family Time. But if you are waiting, here are the things I got ( at least things that may appear on this website:)
1. A sewing machine! (The one I wanted! Yay!)
2. Books: ‘Elsie’s Christmas Party’ (a Life of Faith DIY book)—-‘Skating Shoes’ by Noel Straitfield—-‘Ballet Shoes’ by Noel Straitfield—-‘Nellie’s Promise’ by Valerie Tripp (AG book)
3. Doll Clothes—Addy’s Christmas Dress—Elsie’s Blue Merino Coat—Plus other OurGeneration clothes from my aunt and friend
4. Doll Furniture–Wikor Chair—Trunk—Dresser—Doll-sized Locker  (from Justice) from my friend Lindsay
5. Mini Nellie American Girl Doll (Ooh, new mini in the house!)
6. A camera
7. The things my dolls got from ‘Santa Claus’ (me, actually!) LOL!

Well, tell me the things you and your doll got for Christmas! It’s not too late to send in pictures!!!

We had lots of fun including our usual Christmas Eve dinner and party at my aunt’s house, went home and had lots of fun, made a b-day cake for Jesus, opened presents and stockings, had friends over, etc!


American Girl Doll Central Christmas Eve December 24, 2009

Filed under: All Dolls,Christmas or other Winter Activities,Holiday — Madeline@AGDC @ 8:45 PM

It was Christmas Eve, and the AGDC dolls got in their PJ’s and circled each other. “I’m so excited!” they said to one another. “Me too!”

Molly walked over to the other side of the room. “Look!” she said. “Madeline even gave us our very own stocking! She said that somebody named Santa Claus comes in and leaves presents. He leaves some goodies in the stockings if you hang them up!” The girls cheered at the satin red wonderful stocking that Santa would leave goodies in.

Kit went over to the Christmas tree. “I simply cannot wait!” She said. “Santa will leave great presents under our tree!!!!”

Lulu even read them a very cool book called “The Nigth Before Christmas”. Jitters of excitement filled the girls.

Because they could not attend Christmas Eve Candle Lighting Services, Elsie did her own with the,! LOL!

Then the dolls were snug in their beds, visions of sugar plums danced in their heads. They could hardly wait for the next morning. They could hardly sleep. They prayed a good-night prayer and thanked the Lord for Baby Jesus and everything He has given them and to have a blessed Christmas Time!!!

Thank you Everyone! Have a safe and Blessed Christmas and remember Jesus Loves You! COMMENT AND RATE!

Join us tomorrow for the Christmas Morning Special!!! Thanks!


American Girl Doll Central Christmas Party December 23, 2009

Filed under: All Dolls,Christmas or other Winter Activities,Doll Fun,Life Lessons — Madeline@AGDC @ 8:59 PM

The AGDC dolls bursted into the hallway. Still snug in their Bible costumes they hugged and congratulated each other of how good they did in the Christmas play. Laughter and relieved sighs filled the room.
“You were SO good!!”
“I’m glad that’s over! It was so fun!”
“Do you think the audience liked it? Do you think The Lord liked it?”
“I think everybody liked it!”

Every body started to take off their costumes. Head pieces were thrown to the floor and girls began taking their hair out of buns. They chatted with their best friends and gathered up their modern clothes to change back into.

Even Felcity’s horse had the jitters of excitement; playing the horse Mary rode on to Bethlehem. That was a big part for a young mare. Felicity tried to calm her down. She grabbed hold of the reins and pulled them towards the ground a little. “There’atta Girl!” Felicity said. “There’atta my girl!”

Molly had to yell a little above the excitement and quick chatter. “Everybody! Can I have your attention please! Ok,” she began. “After everybody is done chcnging out of your costumes and done handling and fixing up the stage, everyone please change into your Christmas dresses and meet me. Ok? We are going to have a Christmas party!” The girls listening to Molly cheered, they all liked parties.

Everyone quickly obeyed Molly. The twins, Elsie and Kathleen, were the first to get their dresses on, the ones they were planning to wear for Christmas. Elsie chose her yellow party undergarmets then over that chose her floral flannel skirt great for fall/winter, with the matching jacket. Elsie was straightly imported from 1850, so therefore her clothing choices were always like this. Now, only 2 dolls of AGDC were actually modern dolls, but all the other historical dolls had gotten used to modern life immediantly. But Elsie could not be broken. She believed that this was the modest way to dress, and the way the Lord would be pleased with her wearing. Although she did not find in sinful in the way her modern sisters dressed, because it was not innapropriate according to nowadays, and they believed it was modest. Kathleen chose her sister’s underclothes and turned it into a nice dress with a big Christmas bow around her waist. Josefina let Kathleen borrow her necklace, and Kathleen promised to take care of it, while pulling her hair into a bun.

Samantha and Molly were next. Samantha wore her white gown and tied a big Christmas bow around the waist, similar to Kathleen’s. Sam also chose to curl her hair, then to finish it off, she tied a green mistletoe bow in her hair. Molly  wore her famous green Christmas dress with stockings and buckle shoes, then tied a white bow in her hair on the side of her head.

Lulu and Felicity Merriman had picked out nice-n-festive outfits. Luluhad chosen a penguin shirt and blue-striped leggings. She tied a big blue bow in her hair. She also had a snowmen hat, not shown in this picture. Felicity chose formal pants and a shirt displaying “My first Christmas” and a reindeer, although this was not truly Felicity’s first Christmas, but her second one. Her creativity showed in her hairbow. She had put two bows together they tied them as one in her hair. One hairbow was green with tiny Christmas trees on it, and the other was red-and-white striped like a candy cane.

Kit and Addy were next. Addy had chosen an outfit similar to Lulu’s, a red snowman shirt with red-and-white striped leggings. Over her braids she wore a Santa Claus hat. Kit wore a red sweater and a blue wool skirt that belonged to Molly. She wore tights and boots, and her sweater displayed, “Merry Christmas!” She had a lilly-pad style bow in her short blonde hair.

Eva Grace and Josefina were last to show off their outfits. Eva Grace wore Josefina’s camisa and skirt along with a Christmas bow tied around her waist instead of the original tie-around. She also wore her best butterfly earrings; made by Madeline; and shoes and socks, and wore her hair down. Josefina wore Felicity’s shift with a giant blue Christmas bow around the waist, blue Asian-styled slippers that belonged to Eva Grace. She took the beads out of her dreadlock braids and tied her hair into a bun. Her golden earrings shone in the sunlight coming through the windows.

Next was craft time. The girl’s craft was paper ornaments, and everybody went quickly to work.
A working buzz filled the room.
“That’s pretty!”
“I’m going to make a snowman ornament.”
“Please pass the glitter, Elsie. Thanks!”
“Would you hand me those scissors?”
“Look at what I made!” exclaimed Addy after a few minutes. She held up a 3-D Christmas tree with silver tinsel glitter. The glitter shone brightly for all to see. The girls ‘OOOOOHHHHed’ and ‘AAAAHHHHHed’ at the ornament and clapped for their sister’s creation.

After a few MORE minutes of cutting and gluing and coloring and creating, Elsie held up two ornaments. “Are you fond of mine, sisters?” She asked politely. The girls clapped and cheered or her candy cane and 3D Christmas ball ornaments.

After everyone was finished, the dolls laided out the ornaments to let them dry. Next the girls had milk and cookies to celebrate and talk about Christmas time.

In the middle of the snack, Kathleen came up to Elsie. “You know, twin sis,” she said. “This WOULD be a perfect time to do your thing.” Elsie looked confused. “What do you mean, twin sister?” Kathleen put her soft and on Elsie’s shoulder. “Twin sis, I mean WHEN are you going to tell them what Christmas is really about. There all here, not doing much. It would be a great time. Plus, on Christmas day, they’d know REALLY why we celebrate.” Elsie  nodded. “Ok, twin sister. I will do so. Thank you for encouraging me.” Kathleen smiled with her perfect, beautiful white teeth, something she hardly ever did unless she was REALLY happy or proud of her sisters. “Great. I’ll do the introduction, to get you started. Elsie, my twinny, you’ll be glad you did it.”

Kathleen stepped tot he front. “Ladies and gentle girls, I give you, the amazing, moving, adorable girl, my very own twin sister, Elsie Rebecca Dinsmore!!!!! She has a very important message for all you today!” Everyone cheered and clapped and Kathleen sat down near the front.

Elsie cleared her throat and went up. “Um… Hello, everyone… it’s um, me, Elsie Dinsmore, your sister-in-Christ AND by doll.” Then, there was a click in Elsie’s brain and she got more comfortable. “Have you ever wondered..” she began. “What Christmas really is all about? Have you ever wondered where it came from? Why it’s a holiday? Why it is such an impact?” There was a ‘yes’ and some ‘MMMhhhmmmm’s coming from the crowd. There was a hand as well from Kit. Elsie pointed at the hand. “You think you know? Tell us.” Kit cleared her throat. “Um… Isn’t it because a holiday we give? A holiday of giving? And being thankful?” Elsie tilted her head. “Partly, partly. But not the true reason. Did you know that Christmas is a-very-special-someone’s birthday?” Guesses rose from the dolls.
“George Washington’s?”
Elsie shook her head. “No, someone greater. He came to earth and died on the cross for you.” Kit’s hand FLEW in the air and she shook it wildly. “I know! I know! I KNOW!!!!! JESUS!” Elsie nodded and clapped her hand. “Good job, Kit!” Then she turned back to everybody. Christmas is all about Jesus Christ’s birthday.” Addy raised her hand. “Is that why it’s called CHRISTmas?” Elsie nodded and clapped. “Great, Addy! Your correct!” Addy blushed and tilted her head. Then Elsie went on. “Jesus, the greatest King of all Kings, was born in a dusty, unhealthy stable in the small, busy town of Bethlehem. His main company were some shepherds, his earthly parents, and later wise men from the east. He was bon in not a crib but a manger, a feeding trough for animals.” Samantha raised her hand. “Like our play!” she said. Elsie nodded and clapped. “JUST like our play. How about I read from Luke?”

“Luke 2:1-20. And it came to pass in those days that there went out a decree from  Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria. And all went to be taxed, everyone into his own city. And Joseph also went tup from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; because her was in the house and lineage of David: To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, the glory of the Lord shone round about them, and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, that will be for all the people. For unto you born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly hosts praising God saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which has come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying the manger. And when they had seen it, they made know abroad the saying which was told unto them concerning this child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God. for all the things they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.” Elsie finished. There was a loud clapping and cheer from the crowd of dolls.

Josefina raised her hand. “That was WONDERFUL, Elsie! Now I truly know what Christmas is about! Thank you! But, why do we flood Christmas’s true meaning with presents and trees and candy? It distracts people from the true meaning.”

“True, Josefina. They sometimes can But that wasn’t the intention. You see, most Christmas traditions and symbols have a lot more to do with Christmas then we think. This Candy Cane, here, was created for the benefit of Jesus, according to legend. A german candy maker wanted to create a candy that pointed to Jesus. Then he came up with the candy cane, well known around the holidays today. The candy is hard, to represent that Jesus is our Rock of Life. The shape of the candy cane was 2-in-1. Tilted upwards, the candy cane is like a shepherd’s staff because Jesus is our shepherd and we are his sheep. Tilted upside down, the candy cane symbols a J for Jesus. The flavor is peppermint, which is similar to Hyssop, which was used a long time ago for purification and sacrifice.  The red stripes are representing Jesus’s blood. Sometimes smaller, thin red stripes are added to show the stripes from when the Roman soldiers whipped Jesus because of OUR sins. Sometimes also green stripes are added, to show that Jesus is a gift from God.” There was a cheer for the audience and suddenly it seemed as Candy Canes were signs of Jesus. Which they were, by the way.

“A Christmas tree is also a  sign of Jesus. One of the reasons these kinds of trees were chosen as Christmas ones was because they ‘point’ to heaven, where Jesus is today (not to mention here with us. He is everywhere, and even in your heart if you let him in). Tree toppers symbolize Jesus or the Nativity as well. Stars represent the one that shone on Baby Jesus; the one that led the Wise Men to him. An angel shows the one that told the Good News to the shepherds; and the one that watched over Baby Jesus.”

“What about presents?” asked Samantha. Elsie nodded. “Yes, presents. What about presents you may ask? Partly what Kit said. Christmas is  a time for giving and thankfulness as well as the birth of Jesus. Why, though? Jesus is behind it. It is believed we give presents like the Wise Men gave their most precious gifts to Jesus, as well as others did. God also gave His precious gift, His only son Jesus. Jesus was a gift from God. It is fun to receive presents, sit around the Christmas tree, and eat Candy Canes, but we can’t forget what they really mean.” Everyone cheered not only for Elsie but for Jesus. This would truly be the best Christmas ever.

Everyone gathered around the tree and sang Christmas carols and prayed that everyone would receive the best gift ever-Jesus Christ.

I hope you all have a very MERRY and BLESSED Christmas and that you ALL receive the great gift of Baby Jesus!!!! Comment and Rate!!!

Join us tomorrow for Christmas Eve and the next day for Christmas Morning! Thank you ALL you guys for everything. You are truly awesome.
Love, Madeline and her 10 dolls (plus Maggie!)


Christmas Wishlist! December 22, 2009

Filed under: Christmas or other Winter Activities,Message from Madeline — Madeline@AGDC @ 9:21 PM

Hey guys! It’s me, Madeline. I think it’s about time I tell you what I want for Christmas. Mostly AG stuff and a few other things. Here I go!

1. I want a sewing machine more than anything else! The one I am looking for is the Brothers Computerized Sewing Machine with Embroidery. I’ve seen it at a store and it is #1 on my Christmas list. If I do so happen to get one at anytime, I will be able to make my dolls plenty of clothes and maybe even a little doll clothes company! Wouldn’t that be fun? I already love to sew and use the one at my sewing teacher’s house.

2. Ivy’s New Year Dress from ‘American Girl’

3. Next Elsie Dinsmore books in the series from ‘Life of Faith’

4. Rebecca books from ‘American Girl’ (I haven’t read any of them yet!)

5. Elsie’s Blue Merino Coat from ‘Life of Faith’

6. Starry Doll Carrier from ‘American Girl’

Other general things:
1. AG or LOF doll stuff
2. Books
3. Supplies for sewing
4. Things that I like LOL

So that’s mainly my stuff I want concerning now. I am thankful that I am able to get things at Christmas! But, it is all about Jesus, not the presents. What do you want for Christmas?


Scoop on 2010 Girl of The Year Doll ‘Lanie Holland’ December 21, 2009

Filed under: Lanie Holland- GOTY 2010,TOP SECRET,What's New — Madeline@AGDC @ 11:23 PM

A few days ago, girls everywhere received an online invitation to Lanie Holland, our brand-new 2010 GOTY. According to this perticular picture, Lanie’s polo shirt seems to be a polo DRESS, a nice, knee-length one. Lanie is also accompanied by a small golden bunny with a leash. Her pet, maybe? It is official that Lanie is a “nature girl” by her invitation.
Looking for a place to go the weekend of January 1? Why don’t you head over to any American Girl Store across the country? But get their FAST…the first 100 girls each will get their own Lanie-inspired goody bag and a chance to win Lanie’s collection.
I wonder if they will have any kind of contest like they did with the previous dolls? For Nicki and Mia, they challenged girls  to share their story to see if they were worthy to be “The Real Girl of The Year” and for Chrissa, girls entered a contest of making their own poster to help stop bullying, the guide line of Chrissa’s story. I was thinking, if they go along with Chrissa, that maybe Lanie’s poster idea will be about caring for the earth, and possibly ‘Going Green’.We’ll have to wait and see for the new fun and surprises Lanie will bring us! It’ll be fun to once again welcome a brand-new character to the world of AG, and American Girl Doll Central at that!


Christmas Holiday Time and Pictures! December 18, 2009

Filed under: Christmas or other Winter Activities,Contest,Doll Fun,Doll Photography — Madeline@AGDC @ 5:10 PM

Leanna, a big fan of AGDC and former friend, wanted to show her dolls, Ana and Kristy, all ready for the holidays. These girls show their Christmas Spirit posing next to their painted Christmas Tree.

The painted Christmas Tree was made by Leanna’s little brother, a clear artist in this case! 🙂

Great detail work on the star, Leanna’s-little-brother LOL!

Leanna is the first to send in her own Christmas (or other Winter Holiday) pictures. But you can be the next!!!
About: Send in a photo of your dolls in a Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year, or other holiday scene. Posing your dolls in snow or outside in cold weather is also acceptable.  It can be your doll decorating the tree, sleeping in pajamas (waiting for Santa), dressed in her holiday attire, or even giving and opening presents. For Hanukkah, let your doll play with her dreidal by the menorah or for New Years, put a popper in her hand and put 2010 glasses on her eyes. Express your doll’s own special traditions. And go crazy with the snow!!! Do anything imaginable.
1. No pictures of humans alone, please! Although, pictures of you AND your doll are fine. (This rule is just for safety.)
2.  Pictures and photos are acceptable all throughout the winter season. No more after January 23, 2010.
3. Please only photos having to do with the activities above. Save other photos for other special times!
4. The minimum of photos is 0. The maximum is 100,000,000. Send how ever many you would like! 🙂

Send to: