American Girl Doll Central

It's Christmas at AGDC!

Please read… March 13, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Madeline@AGDC @ 12:07 AM

First of all, let  me say….



As you know, I haven’t posted for over 2 months, plus even then I was hardly posting. Well, it’s not as if I’ve not been online. I’ve been hopping on Picasa and have a bunch of new photostories, plus, AGDC has gained a new friend. 😉 LANIE! That’s right, for Christmas I got LANIE!!! But…I’ll get to that later.

I know all you are probably super mad at me or really upset or whatever and I’m really sorry. I’ve also started my own blogger blog starring, well, me. And this AG blog was really feeling like a burden to me, and I don’t want to blog if it doesn’t make me happy to blog, you know? So I kinda just, stopped and just forgot about it for a while. My bestie came over just yesterday and kept telling me that people were emailing HER saying that they wanted me to come back. I’m not sure if this means I’m going to all the sudden starting coming on here and blogging every week like I used to.

I’m still definitely keeping this blog. I will still post when I need to, and I am making some major alterations to it, so stay tuned!!! But, first, there will be some changes:
1. All photostories are going on Picasa. I probably will make a page on here linking to all my picasa photostory albums, not to mention the ton I’ve added here. It is just way to hard to upload them to both, and it is so much easier on Picasa.
2. Feefee the Fairy is also probably discontinuing, at least for a  while, it never really got anywhere. 😦
3. All of “my stuff” like Tween Girl’s Daybook, or random thoughts from myself, are all being moved to my new blog, which I will mention soon.

I will try to be working on this blog for the next couple of days and try to get it to where it supposed to go. For now, please please please check out my other stuff! Because, I haven’t been gone from the internet, I’ve actually been here the whole time 🙂



^This facebook profile was made specially for my online friends. My personal account has some PI I would rather not share. 🙂

I hope all of you understand! Talk to you soon! Hang in there!


17 Responses to “Please read…”

  1. Alisha Says:

    Madeline, it’s okay! Everyone gets very busy at some point in their lives and for middle school students, it’s usually in the second semester. Strange how it works out that way, I know. Secondly, a lot of people that visit here do visit your other pages I believe. 🙂 I’ve been on your Picasa but it’s great to see you here again too. Hope things have been well.

  2. Leanna Says:

    I completely understand Madeline! My old wordpress . . . *cough cough* isn’t working too well either. But I’ve been in touched with the past two months, but I’d love for AGDC to come back to life! 🙂 I can’t wait for more stuff from you and your wonderful dolls, I’m sure it will be lovely! 🙂

    Leanna and gals

  3. Carly Says:

    That is so OK!!!!!!!!!!!!
    bye the way my birthday was today and i got:(drum roll PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
    AND HER ACESSORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am soooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Carly Says:

    Wait 1 min. you bot Lanie?!!!!!!!

  5. Carly Says:

    I meant to say got

  6. Grace Says:

    Well Madeline, that’s okay! 🙂 I know you were gone for a long time but we all get busy. I was a little upset because I love AGDC SOOOOOO much, and I just want to say…if anyone cares…the reason I stopped on my website for a while is because barely anyone reads it.
    But you’ve got SO many fans here! Including me! 🙂 So, I’m glad you’re back and I missed you!

  7. Jellybeans Says:

    That’s okay, your Picasa is good, and l wouldn’t mind if you put stuff on there instead of here 🙂

  8. Amanda S. Says:

    Well, I got a little sad and upset when I read this, but I understand! I still appreciate you no matter what! 🙂

  9. Rachel Says:

    You’re back! Yaay! I was waiting for you to make another post, to continue this blog a little. I didn’t even notice about it, only when I was reading old posts on DollDiaries and saw you commenting and I came on over! So thank you for posting and getting up and posting. If only other people could do this..

  10. Mackenzie♫ Says:

    dislike. 😦

  11. Cami Says:

    Well I come on here but I usually don`t leave comments. But I missed you. Don`t worry I get busy a lot too. It`s okay, don`t feel bad.

  12. Abby Ccga Says:

    Uploading pictures on Blogspot is super fast too bestie!!!

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